Bringing Together Diverse Talent Pools for your business

At The Curious Academy we believe diverse teams build better products. That's why we actively invest in developing talent from all backgrounds for in-demand roles like data analytics and digital marketing. By partnering with us, companies can tap into our inclusive network and confidently hire high-potential candidates based on a robust evaluation of both hard and soft skills.

Our immersive courses effectively train learners from diverse backgrounds to become skilled data analysts and inbound marketing specialists. We then match top talent with forward-thinking employers seeking to build more innovative and productive teams. Join our mission - leverage our diverse talent pipeline and inclusive hiring practices to gain a competitive edge.

A group of animals dressed in clothing to represent diversity and inclusivity

Diversity & Inclusion

We empower companies to move beyond talk to action when it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion and ESG. Our skills-based hiring practices and diverse talent programs give employers the tools and pipeline to build more representative teams.

By partnering with our data analytics and digital marketing bootcamps, companies gain access to previously overlooked talent pools. We remove bias from the hiring process by evaluating candidates on demonstrated skills versus subjective criteria. The result is increased diversity leading to innovation, productivity and achieving ESG goals.

A black rabbit wearing a yellow tracksuit

Invest Locally, Impact Globally

As a Community Interest Company (CIC), working with us means investing back into the Thames Valley community. While upskilling your team, you’ll also be contributing to the upskilling of local talent, resulting in a brighter future for all.

Don't just talk about DE&I and ESG - partner with The Curious Academy to gain the diverse talent and practices to drive real progress. We enable companies to walk the talk on building inclusive, sustainable workforces. Join our mission today to hire and develop diverse talent, see great returns for your business, and create positive change in our community.